Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Owen - Flat Stanley Visits Florida!

Flat Stanley flew to Crystal River, Florida and stayed the winter wearing shorts in the sun!

Flat Stanley visited with a huge manatee that lives in the Gulf and eats vegetables under water.  Flat Stanley fished in the Gulf.  Of course, he wore a life jacket.  He saw many manatees in the rivers, where they come to stay warm during the winter.  They really like 72 degree water.

Flat Stanley swam in the pool at our campground.  Many grandparents, aunts and uncles who are retired come to Florida to live during the winter.  Our friends at the campground come from all over the United States, like Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, New Hampshire, Connecticut and Texas.  

Flat Stanley had a wonderful time in Florida!
Flat Stanley has his life jacket on and is ready to hit the water!
Flat Stanley boating in the Gulf.
Flat Stanley enjoyed fishing in the Gulf!
Flat Stanley meets a HUGE tortoise!  
Did you know that tortoises have tiny babies in the spring. 
Manatee at Homosassa Museum.
This manatee wears hats for Easter and Christmas, too!
Flat Stanley getting ready to exercise in the water!
Flat Stanley swimming in the winter!

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