Saturday, January 18, 2014

Aidan - Flat Stanley has arrived in San Diego, California!

Flat Stanley arrived in San Diego, California, earlier this week.  The weather was beautiful and warm.  A far cry from the cold and snow going on at home in Maine.  

A very special thank you to Grandma & Grandpa Munsell for taking such good care of Stanley!

Flat Stanley visited Point Loma, known for its tuna fishing fleet.
Point Loma is also home to several military installations.  You can see Stanley in front of the USS Midway, along with a Japanese Cherry Blossom tree (a gift from the Japanese to the residents of San Diego).  

Flat Stanley in front of the "Unconditional Surrender" statue in Point Loma,  resembling the infamous photograph by Alfred EisenstaedtV–J day in Times Square. The kissing was a bit much for Flat Stanley but he was amazed at how big the statue was!  Wow!

Stanley also had time to stop in front of the "National Salute to Bob Hope & the Military" statues in Point Loma.  He thought they were so cool!   
Flat Stanley had to stop and take in the gorgeous view across San Diego Bay!  He can't believe how different the West Coast is compared to the East Coast!  Where is the cold and snow?! 

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